Bain & Bajin's Research
Bain & Bajin's Research - Get 3 Oridecon, 5 Ruby or 5 Iron Orc
(Bajin's dialogue is the same)
yuno_in01 (103, 158)
2nd floor of a building located at the Southwest corner of Yuno
Ingredient(s) Product(s)
Mixture x 1
Mini Furnace x 5
Burnt Tree x 5
Coal x 5
Fine Sand x 5
Rough Elunium x 3
Rough Oridecon x 3
-- -- 60% Chance -- --
Iron Ore x 5
-- -- 30% Chance -- --
Ruby x 5
-- -- 10% Chance -- --
Oridecon x 3
If you are doing this as part of the requirement for the Alchemist Job Quest the outcome will not matter. However, the list of materials Nicholas Flamel provided is incomplete, you still need to gather 5 coals and 5 mini furances. You can buy the mini-furances from the old Blacksmith guide in Geffen.
Cost: 2000z each try